Lassen National Park Trip

As a last minute getaway, the Herricks made a quick weekend trip to Lassen National Park. It was mid-fall, so conditions were a little cold, but it happened to be the final weekend of services at the Manzanita Lake campground, so we went for it.

Mt Lassen

Mt Lassen

At the Campground

The kids settled right in to campground life. Their faces came alive as they oriented themselves with their new, temporary home. They loved having their own kid-sized chairs, and finding sticks to play with.

Lily at the Camp Table

Syl Snacking

The Kids in Kid-Sized Chairs

Lily Ready for the Cold Night

Hiking Around Mount Lassen

We set off from camp after breakfast and did a couple hikes.

First we drove through the Devastated Area around the base of Mount Lassen. Here we stopped for photos and some stick fighting at Hot Rock

Leslie and the Kids on Hot Rock

Kids on Hot Rock

Next we found a nice bog and meadow at Hat Lake. The fall colors will in full display and the area was fun to hike around.

Around Hat Lake

Small Falls Under the Road


The Kids Posing in the Bog

Bumpass Hell

Our next hike was a good 3 mile there-and-back out to some steam vents in an area called Bumpass Hell. It smelled strong of sulfur and was loud with the sound of steam.

Bumpass Hell

Down Amongst the Steam Vents

Cinder Cone

We took on a more ambitious 4 to 5 mile trek to the Cinder Cone, a volcano you can hike right up to the top of. We heroically climbed it and took in the incredible view.

Cinder Cone

Family Photo at the Bottom of Cinder Cone

At the top

Lily Looking Down into the Cinder Cone


After the Cinder Cone hike, we made dinner at camp and took in the sunset. We packed the gear and kids in the car and drove back home.

Nightfall at Manzanita Lake